Twelve Human Quirks You Can Use to Fundraise Better
By Mary Calahane We humans are quirky. You know fundraising is never as simple as asking for donations. Behind your ask is a world of study. We think about our language. We consider exactly what we’re asking for and why. And we keep the language clear and simple. We’re straightforward …
Strategic Philanthropy Unlocks Larger Gifts
By Mark Halpern, CFP, TEP, MFA-P Charities often focus their fundraising efforts on current gifts received in cash, cheques and credit cards. Those are in fact the costliest and least tax-effective ways to give. There are better ways to enhance donations by facilitating smart tax planning by donors. This can …
From Novelty to Necessity: Getting Started with ChatGPT Workflows
By George Irish “We tend to overestimate the effect of a new technology in the short run and underestimate its effect in the long run.” This insight, by technology futurist Roy Amara during the microcomputer revolution of the late 20th century, sheds some light on where we find ourselves in …