DonorsMarket Research

Fraser Institute: Canadian generosity hits lowest point in 20 years

VANCOUVER, BC–The number of Canadians donating to charity—as a percentage of all tax filers—is at the lowest point in 20 years, finds a new study published by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “The holiday season is a time to reflect on charitable giving, and the …

Data AnalyticsDonorsMarket Research

CanadaHelps Reveals Canada’s Most Generous Cities

Centre Wellington ranked Canada’s most generous city per capita in 2024 for a second year in a row TORONTO, ON–CanadaHelps, the country’s largest online platform for donating and fundraising, has named Centre Wellington, Ontario as Canada’s most generous city among Canada’s top 200 most populated cities in the country, based …

DonorsMarket Research

U.S. Report Reveals Digital Wallets Surpass Cheques for Charitable Donations

Bloomerang’s second edition report shows the latest in donation trends across generations and what drives donors to stop giving in the U.S. NDIANAPOLIS, IN–Bloomerang, a leading donor, volunteer, and fundraising management platform, released the second edition of its Generational Giving Report. This comprehensive study, analyzes responses from more than 1,000 …


CanadaHelps Achieves Major Milestone, Surpassing $3 Billion Raised in Support of Canadian Charities

CanadaHelps Achieves Major Milestone, leading platform for donating and fundraising sets sights on a new era of online giving, tripling total dollars raised since 2018 TORONTO, ON–CanadaHelps, the country’s largest platform for donating and fundraising online, has marked a new milestone, reaching $3 billion raised since its founding in 2000. …

DonorsTrends + Research

5th Annual Giving Report Reveals Unprecedented Strain on Charities as Demand Rises and Giving Declines

One in four Canadians are already or will soon be using charitable services to meet basic needs in 2022 TORONTO – CanadaHelps, the country’s largest platform for donating and fundraising online, has released the fifth edition of its annual report on the charitable sector and the state of giving. The …


BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver re-named the L.J. Blackmore Cancer Research Centre

VANCOUVER, B.C.–Following an unveiling ceremony the BC Cancer Research Centre at 675 W 10th Ave. in Vancouver has been officially renamed the L.J. Blackmore Cancer Research Centre, named for the late Leon Judah Blackmore and the Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation. Following remarks from Sarah Roth (President & CEO, BC Cancer …

DonorsMobile Giving

Mobile Giving Foundation Canada Celebrates a decade of merging mobile technology with philanthropy

TORONTO, ON–November 26th marks the 10th anniversary of the Mobile Giving Foundation Canada (MGFC). Incorporated in 2009, MGFC was established to create a means through which Canadians could make donations to registered charities through their mobile devices. MGFC was founded by key members of Canada’s wireless industry, working in partnership …

Corporate PhilanthropyDonors

Major donation for physical rehabilitation now and in the future

MONTRÉAL–Joseph Broccolini, Executive Vice-President of Broccolini, has announced a major donation of $100 000 in support of the REA Foundation. Founded in 1949, Broccolini has a long history of success and a generous commitment to giving back to the community. Since it opened its doors, it has donated over $1.5 …