Each issue Foundation Magazine provides a mini-profile of five people whose work and commitment make Canada a more liveable country. We thank them for their service.

Bernie Doepker is the Director Volunteer Services at Saskatchewan Health Authority. She is an experienced engagement director who has worked in the health and wellness industry for many years. “Prior to the pandemic, the SHA had a strong volunteer base,” said Doepker. “As with every sector, we are in the rebuilding phase for our volunteer team. We are asking people to consider volunteering with one of our programs across the SHA as we work together to improve health and well-being. Every day. For everyone.” A strong community and social services professional, Doepker has a Social Services Certificate focused on social work from Mount Royal University. For 13 years she was Home Services Coordinator in former Humboldt District and another 17 years she was the Volunteer Services lead and spiritual care management with Five Hills Health Region. Completed Saskatchewan Health Care Management Program and certified as a Lean Leader.

Eunice Doroni is the Manager of Youth Engagement at Alberta’s provincial volunteer centre. She is also one of the ACGC Top 30 Under 30 and works in community engagement and is an avid “relationshipper”. For nine years she has worked on her community building experience, primarily in outreach and communications roles. For the past four years, she has worked on various projects that support the growth and civic participation of young adults including the Alberta Civil Society Emerging Leaders Microgrant Program &Youth @ the Table (Volunteer Alberta), BOOST (The Africa Centre),Youth @ the Table (Volunteer Alberta), AMPLIFY Youth Voices, Louder: Amplifying Youth Voices in Activism (Oxfam Quebec), and RISE (Apathy is Boring). A champion for experiential learning, and work-integrated learning.

Chris Warner serves on the board of directors of Volunteer Victoria, in BC. He has worked in advisory-related financial positions since 2006 involving personal credit, commercial credit, investing, and insurance planning. Currently Chris works as a permanent insurance specialist and estate planner focused exclusively on high-net-worth financial planning. Chris regularly facilitates workshops and speaks at educational/professional events relating to financial planning and is a former member of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP). Chris studied Journalism in university, possesses strong communication skills, and worked professionally as a photographer, including official event photography at the 2010 Canadian National Gymnastics.

For Heather Vandenham, the Volunteer Coorindator at Life After Fifty, in Windsor, Ontario, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Life After Fifty is a member-based lifestyle and social club and she’s busy planning Christmas parties and gearing up for the last program schedule of 2024.  She also going to be celebrating her one-year work anniversary in December.  She notes that the saying “time flies when you are having fun” could not be more fitting for her. Life After Fifty is a very special place filled with the absolute best members, volunteers, and staff!  Currently, we are doing well with many volunteer roles filled and new applicants coming in on a regular basis. Heather was in need of a couple of spare fitness spotters for LAF fitness classes on the East Side and a Computer training 1 on 1 volunteer on the West Side when we checked in on her.

Shelly Campbell was recognized with the Volunteer of the Year Award by the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation. The foundation is an integral part of the Prince Edward Island community and operates seven provincial museums and heritage sites across Prince Edward Island, providing Islanders and visitors alike with an opportunity to discover our province’s heritage and culture. Since moving to Prince Edward Island from the Caribbean Island of Nevis 30 years ago, Shelly Campbell of Tyne Valley has been a tireless community volunteer. In 2000, when the West Country Historical Society was restoring its museum to its 1894 appearance, Shelley volunteered to sew curtains and drapes for the living room, kitchen and pantry widows. She helped clean and restore the historic home and has continued to create and donate items to sell in the museum’s gift shop.  Since that time, Shelly has volunteered to help with the decorations for all fundraising events and to clean and set up the museum each spring in preparation for the summer season. She then volunteers in the fall to place artifacts in storage for the winter months. Shelly has embraced the history and culture of Prince Edward Island, and in particular western PEI, and willingly shares her knowledge with enthusiasm. For 20 years she was a mentor to students and staff at the museum. Outside of the museum, Shelly has volunteered her decorating skills and services for the local healthcare auxiliary, her church and for various community events.

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