Exclusive PC Insiders subscription program open to more than 16 million PC Optimum members

BRAMPTON–Loblaw Companies has opened up the PC Insiders subscription program to all 16 million PC Optimum loyalty members. The program originally launched last year as a small invitation-only offer of exclusive rewards and e-commerce benefits for select PC Optimum members who were also PC Financial Mastercard cardholders. For an annual or monthly subscription fee, members were offered major rewards on Canada’s top brands and family essentials, as well as free pick-up and delivery on most of Loblaw’s nationwide e-commerce sites and conveniences.

“What started as a small test quickly ballooned, drawing more subscribers than we imagined, and a long waiting list. Today that wait is over, with an open invitation to customers nationwide,” said Sarah Davis, President, Loblaw Companies Limited. “We’ve packaged up the powerful combination of Canada’s favourite products and its most complete e-commerce network for families who want exceptional value and convenience.”

For the $99 annual subscription, PC Insiders members have access to the following exclusive value and convenience offers across Loblaw’s many brands, 2,500 stores, and national e-commerce network – including more than 600 PC Express pick-up sites:

–Free PC Express e-commerce grocery pickup (worth up to $260 annually for a weekly shopper)
–Free shipping from shoppersdrugmart.ca and joefresh.com (worth up to $92 annually for a monthly shopper)
–An extra 20% back in PC Optimum points on all brands of baby diapers and formula
–An extra 20% back in PC Optimum points on all purchases of PC Organics products, PC Black Label Collection products, Joe Fresh products including those from joefresh.com*, and luxury beauty items purchased online at shoppersdrugmart.ca
–A surprise home-delivered box of our favourite curated President’s Choice items
–A $99 travel credit annually, for eligible PC travel services bookings

“This launch is a big opportunity for our most loyal customers, as the more they use the subscription the more they will save and earn,” said Davis. “PC Optimum loyalty points are already in the wallet of 16 million Canadians, and this is a new opportunity for members who want to take their loyalty benefits to the next level.”

Over the last year, initial PC Insiders members have on average received benefits that are more than twice the value of the subscription costs, with some earning many times the price. The company used feedback from initial members to evolve program offers, tailoring its rewards. It expects the program will continue to evolve and grow.

Loblaw Companies Limited is Canada’s food and pharmacy leader and the nation’s largest retailer. Loblaw provides Canadians with grocery, pharmacy, health and beauty, apparel, general merchandise, financial services, and wireless mobile products and services. With more than 2,400 corporate, franchised and Associate-owned locations, Loblaw, its franchisees, and Associate-owners employ approximately 200,000 full- and part-time employees, making it one of Canada’s largest private sector employers.

Loblaw’s purpose – Live Life Well® – puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the companies’ stores. Loblaw is positioned to meet and exceed those needs in many ways: convenient locations; more than 1,050 grocery stores that span the value spectrum from discount to specialty; full-service pharmacies at nearly 1,400 Shoppers Drug Mart® and Pharmaprix® locations and close to 500 Loblaw locations; PC Financial® financial services; affordable Joe Fresh® fashion and family apparel; and three of Canada’s top consumer brands in Life Brand®, no name® and President’s Choice®.

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