Olympian hits the trading floor to help raise funds for local kids

VANCOUVER, BC–CIBC has asked Jon Montgomery to help make miracles happen for kids-in-need on Wednesday, December 4.

Last year CIBC Miracle Day raised $5.7 million globally for over 500 children’s charities. All money raised in Vancouver stays in the community.

About CIBC Miracle Day
CIBC Miracle Day is the annual flagship fundraising event for the CIBC Children’s Foundation. On CIBC Miracle Day, CIBC’s Capital Markets employees and CIBC Wood Gundy Investment Advisors donate their fees and commissions to organizations that support kids in our communities. Through the efforts of employees and clients $5.7 million was raised in 2018, for a total of more than $250 million donated to hundreds of children’s charities across the globe since 1984. To learn more, visit www.cibc.com/miracleday.

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