Twenty $1000 scholarships available for students’ study in S.T.E.M. or flight

TORONTO, ON–The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Foundation announced the details for the first RCAF Foundation Student Scholarships.

Developed for Canada’s next generations of leaders, and explorers in science and space, these twenty $1,000 scholarships are open to any Canadian youth 25 years of age or younger. They are designed to encourage all students in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) areas of study or flight that could lead to future careers the fields of either Aviation or Aerospace.

“We have thousands of brilliant young people in our country who have big dreams. These scholarships are to inspire our students and to meet the rapidly growing demand for skilled people in the private and defence sectors and to be leaders in Canada and the world,” said former Commander of the RCAF Lieutenant-General (Ret’d) Michael Hood, CMM CD. “There are few areas more exciting than science and flight. My career was outstanding, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to learn and succeed. Our future is now in the hands of Canada’s youth.”

To apply students, choose one of three categories and answer two questions:

1. What are your career aspirations and vision for your future in the Aviation and Aerospace?
2. What is the most important character attribute or personal life experience you possess that will help you make a meaningful contribution to your future workplace and community?

“The RCAF Foundation is leading the way to support these young people so they can make a difference in the future of Canada – whether it be in space exploration, arctic sovereignty or life changing discoveries,” said Jeremy Diamond, Founding CEO, RCAF Foundation. “We know there are students who crave a challenge and think big, and beyond the norm. We want to help them reach for the stars through careers in aviation and aerospace.”

The deadline for applications is midnight July 16, 2021. More information on the RCAF Foundation Student Scholarship is available here:

The Foundation’s first campaign #ONE DAY I WILL Challenge asked youth across Canada to share their hopes for their future in a short video clip. Submission highlights can be viewed here:

The RCAF Foundation is an arms-length not-for-profit organization whose mission is to recognize, foster and celebrate the Royal Canadian Air Force through community engagement, education programs and commemorative activities.

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