Email MarketingEnvironment

How this environmental nonprofit uses email marketing to support fundraising efforts

by Michael Brooke, Consulting Editor Most small businesses and nonprofits consider the last quarter of the year as the time to accomplish goals that have yet to be met. While SMBs look to use the last months of the year to meet revenue targets, nonprofits set their sights on achieving …

Animal WelfareEnvironmentTrends + Research

The State of Canada’s Birds 2024 report shows deliberate conservation efforts are having a positive impact

GATINEAU, QC–Birds are the most accessible and effective indicators of the health of the air, water, and land. When bird populations and their habitats are thriving, we know that people also benefit. Environment and Climate Change Canada and Birds Canada released The State of Canada’s Birds 2024 report. Findings indicate …


Funding available to support documentary heritage organizations

The call for proposals for the Documentary Heritage Communities Program 2025–2026 is now open GATINEAU, QC–Documentary heritage organizations across the country can now apply for funding for the 2025–2026 cycle of Library and Archives Canada’s (LAC) Documentary Heritage Communities Program (DHCP). LAC gives close to $1.5 million every year to …

EnvironmentFamily Foundations

East Coast Zoological Foundation receives $2.5 million gift from the Nelson Family

Plan will help build a world-class Aquarium and Conservation Center MELBOURNE, FL–East Coast Zoological Foundation (ECZF) announces a $2.5 million gift from Blain and Annette Nelson that will play a pivotal role in funding the Canaveral Locks exhibit at the future Aquarium and Conservation Center in Port Canaveral, Fla. The …

Animal WelfareEnvironment

Age of Union Alliance Announces $4.5 Million Donation to Sea Shepherd

The donation will fund operations for an Age of Union namesake vessel that will patrol critical ocean waters and protect marine wildlife around the world MONTREAL, QC–The fight to protect marine wildlife and preserve threatened species receives a major boost today; Age of Union Alliance, led by tech leader and …

Awareness CampaignEnvironment

Vision 2045 Summit aligned businesses to coalesce efforts towards sustainable future

TBD Media Group’s Vision 2045 Summit in Edinburgh, that ran alongside Glasgow’s COP26, successfully served as a focal point for strategizing collaborative action towards climate preservation LONDON, UK–TBD Media Group’s Vision 2045 Summit successfully served as a focal point for strategizing collaborative action towards climate preservation, from the 8-10th of …

Awareness CampaignDirect MailEnvironment

Sustainability Study Sparks Conversation About Direct Mail, Greenhouse Gases

A groundbreaking study that is the first step in developing carbon-neutral direct mail marketing AURORA, ON–-A recent study of the greenhouse gas emission sources in the direct mail industry, commissioned by Steve Falk and Prime Data Inc, uncovers the sources of emissions – from a tree in the forest to …

Awareness CampaignEnvironment

Canadian Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change opens for Signature

MONTREAL, QC–A first-of-its-kind funder pledge, which calls on Canadian foundations and philanthropic actors to signal their commitment to act on climate change, has launched today. The pledge, entitled The Canadian Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change, launches ahead of the annual UN climate conference, COP26, which opens in Glasgow, Scotland on …

EnvironmentInternational Campaigns

On Earth Day, world’s poorest still paying highest price of climate change

Climate change, conflict and COVID pushing millions more to the edge of survival, warns World Vision TORONTO, ON—To mark Earth Day, World Vision is calling on global leaders to fully respond to the climate change crisis as a tsunami of climate related disasters threaten to wipe out decades of development …

EnvironmentFunded Research

New Report Details Gendered, Racial Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in North America

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CA–In the lead-up to President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), is releasing a 100-page report highlighting the intersections of gender, race, the fossil fuel industry and complicit financial institutions. The report, Gendered and Racial Impacts of the Fossil …