Awareness CampaignCOVID-19Nature + Wildlife

Canadian Wildlife Federation Invites Canadians to Connect With Nature During City Nature Challenge Event

Join people around the world observing and sharing nature April 24-27 OTTAWA, ON–Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) is inviting families, nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts to participate in the CITY NATURE CHALLENGE (CNC) happening this Friday to Monday in cities across Canada and around the world. The CNC event has been …

Awareness CampaignVolunteers

It’s National Volunteer Week

Volunteer Canada asks us all to celebrate, and recognize our 13 million volunteers National Volunteer Week is here, and it’s a coast-to-coast-to-coast celebration of the commitment, dedication, generosity and selflessness of Canada’s almost 13 million volunteers. The year’s theme is: “It’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers.” And especially during …

Awareness CampaignCorporate PhilanthropyCOVID-19

Hallmark Provides Canadians with Opportunity to Say “Thank You” with 150,000 Card Donation

Free three-card packs available for people to share gratitude with health care workers, teachers, postal service employees, delivery drivers, grocery store staff and other heroes TORONTO, ON–Hallmark Canada will give away 150,000 cards to provide Canadians with a way to share gratitude for people who are going above and beyond …

Awareness CampaignChildren's Programs

 “Chalkboards for Change” Encourages Canadians to Help All Children Dream Fearlessly

MARKHAM, ON–Remember your childhood dreams? They may have been silly or unrealistic, but they were inspirational and helped you believe anything is possible. Around the world today, many children have big dreams; however, for the more than 260 million children who do not get to go to school, many obstacles …

Awareness CampaignCharitiesPremier Issue

How Greenpeace is Shifting its Thinking About Campaigning

To nurture internal buy-in toward designing more mindset change campaigns, Mindworks has created participatory training that put local office leaders in the driver’s seat. By Nithin Coca Despite years of campaigning by environmental organisations around the world, awareness of and concern about climate change has not yet brought political action …

Animal WelfareAwareness Campaign

Fast food chains are failing when it comes to chicken welfare, Global charity World Animal Protection says

TORONTO, ON–Chicken consumed at some of the world’s biggest fast food chains such as KFC and Burger King, is under the spotlight as global charity, World Animal Protection, investigates welfare standards of chickens raised for meat. ‘The Pecking Order 2020′ report ranks how fast food restaurants are performing on chicken …

Awareness CampaignCorporate PhilanthropyFundraising Events

Canada Strong campaign begun to collect funds for Flight 752 victims

TORONTO, ON–Mohamad Fakih, President of Paramount Fine Foods and Founder of the Fakih Foundation, has launched a campaign to collect funds for the victims of Flight 752. Moved by this tragedy and wanting to pay tribute to the lives lost, many Canadians have been learning the names of the victims …

Awareness CampaignFundraising Events

Polar Bear Dippers ring in a new decade and bring clean water to communities in Rwanda

Courage Polar Bear Dip surpasses fundraising target of $120,000 for World Vision’s clean water projects MISSISSAUGA, ON–Thousands of excited spectators descended on Bronte Beach in Oakville today to cheer on the over 700 courageous dippers as they took the icy plunge into Lake Ontario and a new decade, with a …

Awareness CampaignCorporate PhilanthropyDonation Programs

21st annual CP Holiday Train raises more than $1.49 million and 238,393 pounds of food

CALGARY, AB–The 21st annual Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train wrapped up another successful year touring North America, sharing toe-tapping music and supporting more than 170 communities along CP routes. While final numbers are still being calculated, more than C$1.49 million was raised and 238,393 pounds of food have been collected …

Awareness CampaignFundraising Events

The Courage Brothers dip their way into the new decade, Polar Bear Dip style

Dippers will brave the frigid waters of Lake Ontario supporting World Vision water projects in Rwanda MISSISSAUGA, ON–The Courage Polar Bear Dip, the largest and the longest-running charity event of its kind in Canada, will take place on New Year’s Day in Oakville and will aim to raise over $120,000 …