We are stardust.
THINKING OUT LOUD – MARYANN KERR “Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.” Paulo Freire By Maryann Kerr I’ve thought a lot about the work of Paulo Freire and Saul Alinsky in the context of …

A Radical Act of Democracy
Thinking Out Loud – Maryann Kerr By Maryann Kerr When I was young and marching in the streets of Toronto at anti-war, pro-choice, ‘save our education” and grape boycott demonstrations, the song we sang was We Shall Not Be Moved.1 Though I did not know it at the time, the …

Raised To Be Nice
Thinking Out Loud – Maryann Kerr By Maryann Kerr If you have not watched the film Deconstructing Karen on CBC’s The Passionate Eye1, I highly recommend it. The film documents the work of Saira Rao2 and Regina Jackson3 Co-Founders of the Race2Dinner4. Race2Dinner’s mission: … is simple — reveal the …

Bring it On, 2023
Thinking Out Loud – Maryann Kerr By Maryann Kerr I’ve always wanted to write humorous pieces. Oh, to be witty and pithy and bring you a smile. But that’s just not me. Even at 11 years old, my writing was on topics like “growing up” and “why family matters.” …

A Community of Connections
THINKING OUT LOUD – By Maryann Kerr I’ve been thinking a lot about unity, community and connection. One of my favourite people (FP) was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Once FP had informed closely held family, friends and coworkers and the initial sharing was complete I was tasked …

Performative Allyship. Always Harmful?
Thinking Out Loud -Maryann Kerr By Maryann Kerr Is it possible that not all performative allyship is harmful and that the division we see in Canada and the United States today could be minimized by seeking common ground and celebrating small wins? In the face of extreme inequity, is there …

No Apology Needed
Thinking Out Loud – Maryann Kerr By Maryann Kerr I’ve been thinking about the politics of apologies and how these politics have a significant impact on our progress in the philanthropic sector. The politics of apologies is a topic covered well in several articles I have read recently online …

Everything Comes Down to Relationships
By Maryann Kerr An excerpt from Tarnished: Let’s rethink, reimagine and cocreate a new social impact sector. In every workplace, there is an effort underway by leaders to earn the trust of stakeholders. Trust is the foundation of relationships, and relationships are everything. But what comes first? In his book, …

Ageism in the Social Impact Sector
By Maryann Kerr One of the hardest parts of writing a book was knowing when it was done. As something of an information junkie, this was particularly difficult for me. After I’d sent the final, final, final, final manuscript to the editor, another report would be published. Another coin termed. …